Orthodox Christian Theology


By John J. McDougall, Sheriff, Lee County Florida 1989-2000

The Constitution of the United States begins with the preamble:

"We the People of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America"….

Sealed under glass in archival preservation in Washington D.C., the Constitution of the United States of America lulls Americans into a false sense of security, believing that nothing can change the ideals and intent of its God-fearing framers. Most Americans believe that our Constitution has survived intact for more than 200 years without any significant change. Nothing can be further from the truth.

The U.S. Supreme Court after 150 years of bible study in the public schools of this country banned bible reading and prayer in our public classrooms and declared in 1962, 1963, and 1992 the following practices to be violations of the first Amendment: The recitation of prayers composed by anyone including school officials, bible reading and recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, and prayers at public school graduations.

Since the first of those Supreme Court decisions, Juvenile crime has sky-rocketed, teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases have increased dramatically, over 400 %, violent crime (including Domestic violence) has risen 600% over the last 30 years, teen suicide is up 300%, and depression among children is up 1000%. Every day television and newspapers inundate us with horrific accounts of crime in our communities.

Daily we learn of the mass killing of students in our schools, shootings taken place in day-care centers, and places of worship. Is there any wonder why so many young people are committing such horrible crimes against innocent victims, when we protect the rights of atheists, and abolish the recognition of Almighty God in our classrooms?

The vast majority of Americans are hard working, God fearing people busily caring for their children and families; contributing to their communities; paying their taxes, and trusting public officials to run the daily business of their government, in the best interest of the people.

What many fail to see, however, are the diabolical forces of moral corruption working feverishly, behind closed doors. They are out there every day walking through the halls of Congress, State Legislatures, and the courts. The Gay and Lesbian coalitions, rabid feminist groups, United Nations one-world government radicals, and the American Civil Liberties Union all competing for power, and many using their political action committee funds to influence elected officials to represent these parasitic groups who proselytize and force us under the protection of law to tolerate and accept their despicable conduct and agenda.

Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union constantly use their influence to promote their own self-centered philosophy. All the while, these individuals make concerted efforts to ensure that any public reference to God, prayer, or family values, remain relics of the past. Their members become upset when caring parents speak out against the perversion of the Internet, cyber-porn and cyber-sex chat rooms, violent video games, wrestling mania, and music videos, designed and targeted to compromise the morals of innocent children. We are losing our voice America; we have allowed special interests and lobbyists to control our government.

So many contradictions confront the American people. We stood by silently and watched atheistic malcontents abolish school prayer and replace it with (the all too familiar) yellow crime scene tape, metal detectors, and drug sniffing dogs. Daily we witness aberrant behavior in the classrooms because we have stripped teachers and principles of the authority necessary to do their jobs. As parents we teach our children to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. We also pledge that we are one nation "Under God"…. But to some that’s not true, thanks to gutless liberal judges who wage tyrannical power against the citizens of this country, and power hungry politicians who are more concerned about being politically correct, than morally wrong, and sell their vote to the highest bidder or support group who will radically distort the mandate of our Constitution to fit their agenda. How do we combat this insanity?

As concerned citizens and Christians, we need to display and read in our classrooms once again, and with pride, the Ten Commandments - the Judeo-Christian foundation of our entire Constitutional system of law. We need to display them in other public buildings with as much pride as they are in the Supreme Court of the United States.

To our disgrace as a nation we have caved in to the wishes of the depraved, and have allowed them to systematically excluded God from our midst. All at an incalculable cost to our very survival.

They have legalized abortion and caused the deaths of 40 million children. Now Americans must desperately seek adoptions from Korea, China, and other foreign countries to fill this nation’s void of childless marriages. Are we so blind to this insidious culture of death that we have completely lost sight of the basic fundamental relationship that exists between God and ourselves? He is our creator, God, and we are his creation made in His image, adopted Sons and Daughters of a loving Father, who requests only that we love Him, and each other in return for the gift of life.

Stop and think what we, the United States of America as a nation, have condoned and sanctioned - the wholesale killing of all those innocent children as a direct result of the action of unchecked special interest groups, and the arrogant United States Supreme Courts unjust 1973 (Roe v Wade) decision, (which now includes the full term barbaric partial birth abortions). Consider for a moment the magnitude of this crime, (a holocaust in the eyes of God,) and how it will effect us as a nation. God hears the cry of the poor, especially the silent screams of the unborn.

These deaths will not go un-avenged. God will judge those people in the abortion industry, and those individuals who continue to promote it, and cause it to happen. God will condemn them for bringing about the catastrophic loss these children and their offspring represent to suffering humanity. Generations of children, whose promise and contributions known only to God, will not be forgotten.

Abortion is not about a woman’s right to choose it is about a billion-dollar industry; it is about death, and it is about despair during a moment of crisis. Every woman, who chooses abortion over life, not only destroys her child, but victimizes herself, her family, and humanity forever. Everyone is included in that countless number of victims including both physical and spiritual injury.

This is the inevitable consequence of abortion, and unless these misguided mothers repent and ask for God’s forgiveness and mercy, despair and loneliness will follow them all the days of their lives. Contrary to the propaganda espoused by the National Organization for Woman, abortion is not a woman’s right, it is a woman’s wrong. Abortion is not a woman’s liberation; it is a woman’s worst nightmare. The secret of life is to conform our will to the will of God. The promise of death is to conform our will to ourselves.

If we fail as a nation to ask God’s mercy and forgiveness, take back our inheritance as a holy people of a loving God, demand respect for God and His commandments, our nation as we know it will no longer receive His blessings or protection. We will deservedly be left to our own sick demise; consumed by our chosen sexual perversion, and drug–infested, hedonistic lifestyles, just like the Romans and all the other atheistic civilizations that followed their gods of lust to the doomed alters of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Planned Parenthood a worldwide organization dedicated to using abortions as a means of population control have set up clinics throughout this country, supported by the courts and legislature. They are without the authority and consent of parents distributing free condoms to our children, thereby encouraging dangerous pre-marital adolescent sexuality under the pretense of "Safe Sex for minors". Those of us in law enforcement, call this behavior "pedophilia".

Did you know that Planned Parenthood has successfully lobbied and received legislative approval that justify giving your children free condoms whether you approve it or not? They have, by way of "Judicial Tyranny," successfully blocked the State of Florida and other states from enforcing laws that make it mandatory for abortion providers and other health care facilities to notify you as a parent if your underage daughter seeks an abortion or if any of your underage children is under the care and treatment of a psychiatrist, or being treated for a sexually transmitted disease, including AIDS, that could be introduced to the rest of your family without your knowledge.

Like you, I am concerned, about the safety and quality of life for our families. As a Christian I am disturbed by the sacrilegious offences our nation is committing against God, and the number of lives, juvenile and adult, that are needlessly wasted in prison, and addicted to drugs. I cannot help but wonder: is there a correlation between the sickening moral bankruptcy of today and the liberal court decisions that began in the 60-s? As a people, we have failed to accept the hard evidence of subtle but dramatic destructive change that commenced in this country with those decisions of the United States Supreme Court.

The Court interpreted acknowledging God, under whose protection we publicly place our nation, as a violation of the First Amendment when it is recited in our public schools. For these reasons, and with an urgent cry, I write this letter, Wake up, America! I write to warn Americans lulled into apathy and carelessness: be aware, there is an insidious diabolical scheme supported by media moguls, and Washington politicos that are robbing us of our true religious heritage and Constitutional freedoms.

Our country is in great peril, not from an approaching army, but from a satanic pestilence that has already invaded South America, and our own nation with a drug-infested culture littering our country and neighborhoods with untold corpses, and its collateral family damage. It is the United States Government prohibition against Almighty God that continues to feed this immorality and insult His Supreme Majesty.

Only prayer and the ability to say Lord Jesus, we are sorry for having betrayed our promise to you by having turned our backs on you and your Commandments. Please give us the grace to confess our sins and humbly ask your forgiveness. Restore us once again, as a holy people, and one nation truthfully Under God.


Note: After his tenure as Sherriff, and now a private citizen, Mr. McDougall was arrested in 2005 attempting to provide Terri Schiavo with water after a court allowed her husband to kill her by withholding food and water.  That peace officers would arrest anyone trying to save an innocent life demonstrates the depths of depravity the ruling class of this nation has sunk....